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event: "view_item_list",
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item_id: "29056",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv, dva vozla - 25 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 0,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 1.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29078",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv iz jute z žogico- 34 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 1,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 3.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29055",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv, dva vozla - 20 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 2,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 0.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29058",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv s tremi vozli - 40 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 3,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 3.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29068",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv z žogico - 35 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 4,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29057",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv, dva vozla - 30 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 5,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 1.89,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29062",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy pletena osmica - 35 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 6,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.79,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29060",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv s štirimi vozli - 60 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 7,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 5.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29075",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy »koruza« iz jute - 31 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 8,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 3.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29061",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv s petimi vozli - 95 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 9,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 8.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29070",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv z žogico - 55 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 10,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 4.19,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29069",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv z žogico - 45 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 11,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29076",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv iz jute z žogico - 34 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 12,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29074",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy pletena igralna vrv iz jute - 30 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 13,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29073",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv iz jute v obliki osmice - 34 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 14,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29079",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv iz jute s teniško žogico- 34 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 15,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 3.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29077",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv iz jute z dvema žogicama - 60 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 16,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 11.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29071",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy pletena hobotnica- 45 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 17,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 7.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "29064",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy igralna vrv z dvema teniškima žogicama - 35 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 18,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 3.89,
quantity: 1
item_id: "51833",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy žoga Eggy Ball M, modra - 13 x 18,5 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 19,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 4.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "51834",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy žoga Eggy Ball L, rdeča - 16 x 26 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 20,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 8.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "51832",
item_name: "Dog Fantasy žoga Eggy Ball S, zelena - 8 x 13 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 21,
item_brand: "Dog Fantasy",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Dog Toys", item_category3: "Balls and Ropes",
price: 2.49,
quantity: 1