dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });
event: "view_item_list",
ecommerce: {
item_list_id: "category_products",
item_list_name: "Category products",
items: [
item_id: "37272",
item_name: "Nobby zatezna kovinska ovratnica z dolgimi členi - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 0,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37248",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - turkizna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 1,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37278",
item_name: "Nobby Delgado usnjena ovratnica z neti - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 2,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 35.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37275",
item_name: "Nobby usnjena ovratnica z rutko - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 3,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 15.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37721",
item_name: "Ferplast usnjena ovratnica za hrte - rjava - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 4,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 27.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "33859",
item_name: "Camon ovratnica najlon Large, črna - 49-71 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 5,
item_brand: "Camon",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 10.69,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37283",
item_name: "Ferplast polzatezna ovratnica Daytona - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 6,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 8.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37277",
item_name: "Nobby polzatezna kovinska trojna ovratnica - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 7,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 8.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37719",
item_name: "Ferplast zatezna ovratnica Sport - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 8,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 8.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37251",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - fuksija - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 9,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36761",
item_name: "Nobby Classic Preno Royal neoprenska ovratnica - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 10,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 10.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37284",
item_name: "Camon zatezna kovinska ovratnica Snake - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 11,
item_brand: "Camon",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 14.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "33811",
item_name: "Camon ovratnica umetno usnje in mašnica - 28 cm",
discount: 0,
index: 12,
item_brand: "Camon",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37724",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Daytona - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 13,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 18.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37720",
item_name: "Ferplast usnjena ovratnica - rjava - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 14,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 12.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37292",
item_name: "Nobby polzatezna kovinska dvojna ovratnica - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 15,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 5.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37249",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 16,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37722",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Daytona - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 17,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 9.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37255",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Mesh neoprenska ovratnica - roza - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 18,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.69,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36768",
item_name: "Nobby polzatezna ovratnica Corda - črno siva - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 19,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37281",
item_name: "Ferplast polzatezna ovratnica Daytona - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 20,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 8.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "43494",
item_name: "Nobby kovinska ovratnica - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 21,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36760",
item_name: "Nobby Classic Preno Royal neoprenska ovratnica - siva - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 22,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 10.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37282",
item_name: "Ferplast polzatezna ovratnica Daytona - modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 23,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 8.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37259",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Classic neoprenska ovratnica - svetlo modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 24,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37726",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Club - modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 25,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 3.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37287",
item_name: "Nobby ovratnica Mini - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 26,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 3.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37254",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Mesh neoprenska ovratnica - rumena - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 27,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.69,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37253",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - bež - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 28,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37271",
item_name: "Nobby Classic ovratnica - svetlo modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 29,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37727",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Club - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 30,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 3.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36759",
item_name: "Nobby Classic Preno Royal neoprenska ovratnica - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 31,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 10.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37270",
item_name: "Nobby Classic ovratnica - roza - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 32,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.39,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37725",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Club - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 33,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 3.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "49441",
item_name: "Waudog vodoodporna ovratnica Glow, mint",
discount: 0,
index: 34,
item_brand: "Waudog",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 15.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37258",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Classic neoprenska ovratnica - roza - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 35,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37266",
item_name: "Nobby Classic ovratnica - lila - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 36,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.49,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37252",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 37,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37723",
item_name: "Ferplast ovratnica Daytona - modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 38,
item_brand: "Ferplast",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 18.29,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37286",
item_name: "Nobby ovratnica Mini - modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 39,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 3.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "41620",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Classic neoprenska polzatezna ovratnica - rdeča",
discount: 0,
index: 40,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 6.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37260",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Classic neoprenska ovratnica - zelena - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 41,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37250",
item_name: "Nobby Soft Grip ovratnica - modra - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 42,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.99,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36767",
item_name: "Nobby polzatezna ovratnica Corda - rdeče siva - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 43,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.09,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36764",
item_name: "Nobby ovratnica najlon Paw - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 44,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 2.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37631",
item_name: "Beeztees ovratnica Scribbles, črno rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 45,
item_brand: "Beeztees",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 5.19,
quantity: 1
item_id: "36766",
item_name: "Nobby ovratnica Classic Preno Extra - črna - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 46,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 13.59,
quantity: 1
item_id: "37256",
item_name: "Nobby Preno Mesh neoprenska ovratnica - rdeča - različne velikosti",
discount: 0,
index: 47,
item_brand: "Nobby",
item_category: "Dogs", item_category2: "Collars and Leashes", item_category3: "Collars",
price: 4.69,
quantity: 1